María Fernanda Cabal a dépoussiéré une publication de Petro dans laquelle il rejetait un Front National : "Il y a toujours un tweet".

Publié le 16.08.2024
The senator María Fernanda Cabal stated that Nicolás Maduro and Gustavo Petro belong to the same "Axis of evil" - credit Colprensa and Juan Diego Cano/Presidency

The criticism against President Gustavo Petro for proposing new presidential elections in Venezuela and the establishment of a National Front continues. Several politicians have spoken out arguing that this idea would be inconvenient and would imply a disregard for what would be the true results of the elections on July 28, which would have consecrated the opposition candidate Edmundo González, and not Nicolás Maduro, as initially announced to the public.

Senator from the Democratic Center Party María Fernanda Cabal was one of the politicians who spoke out on the matter, outright rejecting the idea of the head of state and indicating that he would be sidelining the will of the Venezuelan citizens who voted for Edmundo González. “Gustavo Petro openly disregards the primary constituent in Venezuela. The people chose their ruler, not Maduro, who is a member of the Axis of evil to which you belong. Less talk and a single truth,” affirmed the right-wing congresswoman on X.

María Fernanda Cabal stated that President Gustavo Petro is disregarding the "primary constituent" in Venezuela - credit @MariaFdaCabal/X

In addition, she dug up a post made by the president on X in 2013, amid a discussion he had with a user of the social network. In that post, the head of state referred to the National Front implemented in Colombia between 1958-1974, with which politicians from the Liberal and Conservative parties reached an agreement for alternation in power every four years.

María Fernanda Cabal recalled when President Gustavo Petro stated that the National Front was a "violent attempt" to harm the "difference" in Colombia - credit @MariaFdaCabal/X and @petrogustavo/X

According to the Truth Commission, indeed, while the alternation of power between conservatives and liberals was in effect, Colombians lived under a state of siege, which lasted 3,848 days. After this, the country and certain territories were declared in disturbance, which lasted for 10 years. Moreover, although the political agreement between the collectives did allow for stability to be achieved in the country after years of violence, it had implications for democracy.

Because the parties exchanged power for 16 years, the population became indifferent to politics, which was reflected in an increase in abstention. This could be explained, according to the Truth Commission, by the image that citizens began to have of conservatism and liberalism; they became almost the same because the collectives “were homogenizing themselves.”

Opponents to Gustavo Petro's proposal to repeat elections in Venezuela claimed that the winner of the elections was Edmundo González - credit Matías Delacroix/AP

“So there were no avenues for citizen discontent in those regions. They had no power of dissent. The lists of candidates for Congress were made by the party leaders in Bogotá in their directories. People could not participate, people could not decide. So they would say, ‘no, but the peace was made with the National Front’,” assured a political leader of the Liberal Party in an interview with the Commission, whose name was not revealed.

In any case, the head of state received several accusations and criticisms for his proposal, so much so that he was questioned about having suggested something similar when he was elected president of Colombia. This was expressed by former vice president Marta Lucía Ramírez on X.

What audacity @petrogustavo. The true democracy of which you apply so little allows the winner to govern with his proposals and his team. That is what we Colombians who did not vote for you have accepted. What would have happened if we had attempted cohabitation?” wrote the former official.

Marta Lucía Ramírez criticized Gustavo Petro's proposal to hold new elections in Venezuela as a solution to the political crisis facing the country - credit @mluciaramirez/X